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Perfect for snaking or for adding to cereal. No Added sugar. Packaging: Polypropylene bags inside of corrugated Carboard box. Each pack is easily identified by the lot number, production and expire date.
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Perfect for snaking or for adding to cereal. No Added sugar. Packaging: Polypropylene bags inside of corrugated Carboard box. Each pack is easily identified by the lot number, production and expire date.
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Perfect for snaking. No Added sugar. Rich in antioxidants, dietary fiber and betacarotene. Packaging: Polypropylene bags inside of corrugated Carboard box. Each pack is easily identified by the lot number, production and expire date.
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DRIED PHYSALIS (Cape gooseberry, Incaberry, Golden berry)

Benefits: Contains the highest amount of fibre of all dried Fruits. Vitamins and Nutrients: Vitamin A: Boosts the immune system and keeps skin healthy. Vitamin B: Mood boosting, helps to burn fat and raise energy levels. Potassium: Potassium lowers blood pressure and it is essential for keeping the heart, Brain and muscles healthy. Calcium: Calcium is a powerful antioxidant necessary for healthy cells and immune system. Fibre: Fibre can help prevent disease, diabetes, weight gain and some cancers. It can also improve digestive health. Iron: Iron keeps energy levels high and helps maintain healthy skin and nails. Packaging: Polypropylene bags inside of corrugated Carboard box. Each pack is easily identified by the lot number, production and expire date.
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Packaging: Polypropylene bags inside corrugated of Carboard box Each pack is easily identified by the lot number, production and expire date.
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Perfect for snaking or for adding to cereal. No Added sugar. Packaging: Polypropylene bags inside of corrugated Carboard box. Each pack is easily identified by the lot number, production and expiry date.
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YELLOW DRIED PITAHAYA (Dried White Dragon Fruit)

Perfect for snaking. No Added sugar. If you eat 1,5 oz. of the dried Pitahaya fruit, you will be eating almost a full pound of fresh fruit. Dietary fiber, vitamin C and micro nutrients are still there in the dried pitahaya fruit. Packaging: Polypropylene bags inside of corrugated Carboard box. Each pack is easily identified by the lot number, production and expire date.
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